Thursday, June 3, 2010

A chic little coat closet

Remember my amazing wallpaper finds at the Brunschwig & Fils annual warehouse sale? I'm happy to report over the weekend I wallpapered this little coat closet in our vacation home. What a difference this Christopher Norman bamboo treillage wallcovering, I love opening the closet door!

Christopher Norman wallcovering.

The boring before...
The progress...
The wallpaper is hung, I just have a few tidbits to do (buy a shoe rack for the floor and some additonal hooks for the door) to complete the closet. Isn't it amazing what a difference wallcovering makes in a closet. Now, are you itching to do your closets? I'm counting the days until the next warehouse sale!


  1. Wow, that looks amazing! What a nice surprise when the closet is opened. Love it!

  2. I am dying to wallpaper my closet! Yours came out beautiful. I wouldn't mind a charming little chandelier either! xo

  3. I always paint my closets but you having me itching to paper. Is it really hard to do a small space? This looks fabulous!

  4. Beyond jealous at this point! The shagreen and now this....aaaahhhhh!

  5. Susie @ Maddie's Nest,
    The shagreen closet was easier as it did not have a large repeat like this bamboo wallcovering. When I scored these amazing wallpapers for a song I knew I was going to do all my is happiness! Let me know if you do yours!

  6. I LOVE IT! - looks great!!!!

    *Happy Weekend*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  7. Love wall paper and colors I unexpected places!! Looks great. Who needs clothes in there when it looks like that??

  8. It's stunning!!!!
    I wallpapered all the closets in my house and can't imagine one without. It makes such a difference. They actually feel like little rooms!!
    You were brilliant to buy all those papers at such great prices and then turned all your small spaces into jewel boxes!!!

  9. Wow, this turned out great. I've never done a diy wallpaper project - must try it! Thanks for the inspiration!

  10. You did such a great job! I love this idea, and I'm so happy to see the end result!

  11. Love it! I can't believe I didn't see that pattern when I was at the sale!

  12. oh so lovely. i need it.....happy weekend hunny xo

  13. It looks fantastic! I wish more people (clients) were willing to do this!

  14. Oh my goodness, awesome job! You are like a mini Martha :D
    Have a wonderful weekend ahead.
    *kisses* HH

  15. There you go again! I so wish I had your talent. I would be hanging paper everywhere! Have a great week.

  16. I am just LovingLovingLoving the wallpaper projects. I'd like to do some in our new place. Is it hard to take down? We're renting and I'm not sure if it's worth the trouble to have around for 2 or 3 years... thoughts?

    What can I say, you're inspiring ;)

    Hope you had a wonderful weekend Love!

  17. Beatriz,
    Wallpaper gets a bad rap about being hard to take down, however if you use DIF and follow the directions it's a breeze. I love a home with a perfect blend of wallpaper and paint! Go for it and share your projects with us!

  18. This makes a huge impact!!! How fun to open the door to do something as mundane as hang up a coat --- and get a design surprise! Well done!!!

  19. I think this is my favorite so far. I love the drama of this paper and it makes for a very chic coat closet. I bet your guest want to go and open all of your closets, I am afraid I would, Another great job,Kathysue

  20. Well I'm convinced. It is amazing the difference in your closets and can't wait to see your daughters when it is finished!!


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