Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Outdoor organization

Outdoor organization makes for easy summer living! This is the storage bin off of our deck. In the past we just stowed stuff on the shelves inside. The lack of organization meant that the space was poorly utilized. This past spring I bought containers to really spruce up the area...the results have been great! If my daughter wants to paint we pull out the paint box or if we're doing al fresco dining I pull out the lanterns and place on top of the bin. Notice my little broom, it's there for sweeping off the top of the bin which we use as a buffet serving station for meals outside. Do you have an outdoor space you keep organized? It equals happiness, right?
Enjoy your day! 


  1. Lisa, perfect, you can really get organized with that wonderful piece!!

    Art by Karena

  2. I have an outdoor space where we keep pool equipment and all of the pool/yard toys.....but it is so not organized.....yours is an inspiration!

  3. Karena,
    The storage bin is so useful on the deck. We stow the extra propane, toys and such for the kiddies in containers and my lanterns/candles for al fresco dining. I love the piece!

    I just organized our outdoor shed area this weekend where we keep pool toys...it was quite a task! It feels good now that everything isn't tossed about!

  4. Great,i wish i could do something like this we have very little space outside,

  5. Lisa - I would so have you come and organize my outdoor space. This is a great idea and so much better than crowding an indoor armoire with backyard accessories. Love it!

  6. The Buzz,
    It's funny you mention armoire for keeping outdoor accessories. Last summer I put an all wood armoire on the covered front porch of our vacation home for keeping all of the kids outdoor toys...it's so much better than running into the garage/inside the home!

  7. Everything in your house seems so perfect, even the outside :). I wonder if you have one little corner somewhere that you throw all your junk... you must... LOL :D

  8. Nicely done, you've given me a summer project - Organizing the patio! Thanks for the idea.

  9. You are SO good. I have always been a maximum organized person and I appreciate someone who takes the time to put everything back in it's place when the fun is over. xx's

  10. Lisa,
    Genius! YOU have all the tools at your hand to put together the perfect summer party/gathering/day at your fingertips!!! Such a great idea!

  11. Heavenly Housewife...
    My desk is one that is piled high with papers, wallpaper samples, textile samples, magazines, etc...and, well I'd be happier if it all a place! I'm working on that next. I feel like I'm happy and motivated because my surroundings are organized...that isn't to say that we don't tear into the organized spaces and create a mess, but it does go back to its proper place once the fun has been had. Promise you, I'm fun to be around!

  12. Oh love it!! Yes. Organization = Happiness for me. Thanks for the sweet, sweet comment on my blog. Looking forward to reading yours!! xoxo

  13. Please come to my house and do the same!!

  14. Outdoors or indoors...organization equals happiness for me, but its something I am always striving towards, and never quite achieving! You seem to have the perfect knack for it....jealous (again!).

  15. Good organization makes me a happy gal! This is perfect Lisa!

    Wishing you great outdoor times this weekend to you all x

  16. Excellent idea Lisa darling, brilliant. Popped in to wish you a summer full of sunshine, happiness and blessings.

    Love & Hugs

  17. Its a really great idea. Great way to keep things in order! Have a great weekend, and if you have a moment, pop on over to see me. Im hosting a fun dress giveaway!

  18. What great timing - my husband and I were just talking about how we need to improve our outdoor storage. This is great inspiration to turn the talk into reality!

  19. Oh this is soooo good!!! For the garage too?!

  20. did i say i was jealous about being in the hamptons? i changed my mind. i am jealous over YOUR ORGINIZATON!!! This picture of the containers is pure heaven to my eyes.
    it's amazing how much organization really does affect your psyche and well-being. i cleaned yesterday, to the point of being drenched in sweat, the baseboards etc... and afterwards it was like a my life was better again! organizing makes me feel the same way.

  21. I don't have a space like this but this is a great idea.


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