Monday, August 9, 2010

Hamptons Happiness

This week's Hamptons Happiness is about Jackson Pollock, an American abstract artist (1912 - 1956.) Jackson Pollock's artwork looks as if he splattered paint on a canvas, when in fact he actually mastered the drip painting technique working all four sides of a canvas.  He, along with his wife, Lee Krasner (also an artist) had a home and art studio in the Springs section of East Hampton. It wasn't until this summer that I further explored my basic knowledge of Jackson Pollock. My daughter (age 4) and I took classes offered at his art studio the month of July. What a treat! To stand on the grounds where Jackson Pollock created his famous artwork, with the most expensive one selling at $140 million, was an amazing feeling. My daughter and I listened, learned and tried our hands at making Jackson Pollock creations!

When you've reach this sign located at 830 Springs Fireplace Road you've reached the beginning of a memorable experience. 
His studio.
His home, the front.
His home, the back.
The home interior was simple and basic.
  Here's my first painting, which in no way resembles a Jackson Pollock. It is much harder than it appears!
To learn more about Jackson Pollock and to view his $140 million dollar artwork, look at wikipedia:

To view more images of his property, now run by Stony Brook University:

Happy "Hamptons" Monday!


  1. How fun that you were able to try your hand at your own Pollock-esque artwork!!

  2. Jackson Pollack is one of my all time favorite contemporary artists! I love that you took us along on this tour with you!!!xx

  3. Lisa, that would be an amazing experience. I knew the house was out there but did not know you could take art classes. I'll have to bookmark that one for my sons....both enjoy art immensely! Keep the good tips coming!
    xo, Elizabeth

  4. What a great post, thank you so much for sharing your tour with us!

  5. i loved seeing the movie and now i love your post... amazing talent... wow... what a life... have a great week...

  6. What a fun activity for you and your daughter to enjoy together! Thanks for taking us on the tour!

  7. Jackson and Lee were great friends of my step-dads from way back when and the stories he has about this amazing couple are priceless - just like Jackson's paintings! How fun to have taken a class there!

  8. Style Chronicle,
    It was fun to try our hand at creating a Jackson Pollock! My daughter's is far better than mine, but nonetheless it was treat.

    The Zhush,
    I love his abstract creations and think they are perfect with just about any style of decor.

    Pretty Pink Tulips,
    You and your sons should take a course when visiting the Hamptons. It is a treat!

    Sara & Susie @ Maddies Nest,
    The tour was memorable and such a treat!

    Red Ticking,
    You too, would enjoy taking a course while in the Hamptons this summer!

    The Buzz,
    How fun that your family were Pollock/Krasner friends! I'm sure there are some fun stories to be told!


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