Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Two grandsons & their bedroom

This particular set of grandparents coverted two spare bedrooms into special retreats for their grandchildren. One for their grandsons and one for their granddaughters. For their grandsons they desired to create a handsome room infused with a little youthful appeal.

Two matching beds, two different superheros, one chic chair, one shadowbox (made by the grandfather) and a fabulous paint job to create an inviting space for a three and six year old!   

The room is chic and youthful, yet not too juvenile.  

There is a lot of effort that goes into designing, creating and executing a space, so I always champion a timeless room that is sprinkled with transitional touches. You too?      


  1. Thanks for visiting. I love your blog, and I am your newest follower.

  2. They are so talented! I adore the shadowbox, they will treasure that forever! I love this too, the decals make the room, it's actually really chic, I could almost see it as a whimsical adult room! XX!

  3. Hi there Lisa, just found your lovely blog!! I look forward to following you!! Love the rooms btw!!!
    Laura currie xx

  4. eeek, wont let me follow;;;; sorry, will try again, i hate when that happens!!!
    laura xxx

  5. I think it's great! Love that it is about liitle boys and their interests!!!

  6. I think it means so much when a space is created with the guest in mind. Little boys will love pretending they have super powers in this special room!

  7. how sweet of them! - i wanna make a room in my house JUST for my Niece! ..

    PS: i'm hosting my FIRST give-away - come on by and enter!!! - $45 worth of goodness!

    *kiss kiss*

    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  8. What a grand way to welcome those grandsons for visits!

  9. How fun - I better not share this with the boys' grandparents of they'll feel like redecorating!

  10. superman wall sticker is so nice. I am, sarah, fan of all good decorating ideas :) thanks for these

  11. Can I adopt these grandparents? How loving and adorable, well done grandma and pa!

  12. WOW! Look at these bedrooms! I remember painting some superheros for a client YEARS AGO for her boys' bedrooms....and thank YOU for visiting me today! Do come again. Your blog is gorgeous! Anita

  13. I love the bedding; and how incredibly thoughtful is that Grandfather?

  14. Thanks for all of your comments! I think it is fair to say that this grandma/pa might be strong contenders to win "Grandma & Grandpa of the year" awards!

  15. Just found your blog via "the Zush" and enjoyed reading your post. it is wonderful to see grandparents being so sensitive and design such fun and crisp bedrooms for the grandchildren.
    My kids while visiting their french or american grandparents had to endure antique beds with horsehair mattresses, furniture one could not touch and rooms hidden away on the nursery or children floor (third floor) with no air conditioning....


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