Monday, January 24, 2011

Whipping up a meal

I know my way around a kitchen, I would not be shaking in my high heels slippers to whip up a fabulous meal for a chef or the future princess of England! I've got some sure fire recipes, yet I'm always creating new ones or looking for new ones to try. This weekend I had fun cooking some meals from Katie Lee's The Comfortable Table.
I cooked her meatloaf sliders to rave reviews! (She calls it "manloaf"...that it won't take long for a proposal after whipping up this recipe...actually, I think it's because she is gorgeous, talented and knows how to cook that she won't be single long!)

Looking for a cookbook that offers yummy recipes, complete meal plans down to the music selection, photos of what you'll be making...The Comfortable Table is a sure winner!

I make homemade meals on a near daily's enjoyable for me, but most of all it's about creating memories and traditions in my own home. There are certain meals, entrees or nibbles that the mere mention of, conjures up amazing memories of sitting around a table with family and friends.

Do you like to cook? Do think of cooking as creating traditions in your home?


  1. I wish I enjoyed cooking more, but I try. I made a recipe for chicken lettuce wraps that Katie Lee made on Nate Berkus and loved it. So easy and would be perfect to serve at a cocktail party.

  2. I see we both have cooking on our minds this morning:-). Cooking is an integral part of our household routine and where the family comes together. We really do live in our kitchen and it's where some of our most memeorable times together take place. XX

  3. Certainly cooking does stir up many happy seasonal traditions...soup in the winter, barbeques in the summer, holiday cookies...and always comfort foods like meatlaof or roast chicken.
    love Sweet Sues- we ski not far away....Vermont is lovely but too far for a weekend routine. (for us!)

  4. I certainly do think of cooking as tradition making. I have a few goto things that work for everyone in the house. I've gotten a little bit bored with some of them and my husband is no carbing it. I'm normally not a recipe person but since I know nothing about Mexican food I got a book and its been wildly successful.

  5. Cooking is such a blast from the past. With life at lightening speeds these days, I try very hard to keep it current. I don't want my kids to remember how great that restaurant was more than my home cooking! I just baked old fashioned goods this weekend, so I guess this post was right on for me :) Man-loaf....sounds like a staple that should be in every ladies repertoire! XO

  6. Love to cook for the family and it is tied to so many memories!
    xo Cathy

  7. I really enjoy cooking as well so I am glad to have the recommendation of this book as my birthday is this weekend and my husband keeps asking what to get me. I have been wondering lately how many design bloggers are also into cooking. My mom always said that as we grew she found the most out around the dinner table. Family dinners will be a tradition in our house as my little ones grow. Have a great Monday.

  8. PS--I have a meatloaf recipe that is to die for with fresh basil, sundried tomatos and provolone. It's a really old Cooking Light recipe....highly recommend it!

  9. Yes, cooking is one of my passions! It brings me so much joy. I don't have Katie's book though. Think I'll have to add it to my collection.

  10. I love Miss Katie Lee! I have both of her cookbooks and every recipe I have made is delish! Let me know when you are in town, would love to meet up!
    p.s. just added you to my daily blog reads list because I love your blog so much!

  11. We (Pieter & I) cook at least 6 nights a week and treasure both the time together and the fresh food. I am always surprised to look at other grocery carts in line and they are filled with all prefab food. No wonder folks have weight issues!

    Only problem is that we are really picky about what is a "good" restaurant!

  12. I have become a bit more confident as a cook, now that I have found some great recipes that actually came out ok! :) I love the idea of meatloaf sliders! Cooking is a great way to bring the family together and create wonderful memories.

  13. I do love cooking when I can carve out the time to do the prep. Soups are high on my list...and for some reason, I love to bake. Have Katie Lee's first cookbook....but am always looking to add to my collection. This one looks great!

    xo Elizabeth

  14. I have been looking for a new cookbook so I will most definitely check this out! xo

  15. I would think of cooking as creating new traditions, that is, IF I could horrible in the kitchen, and hence I don't enjoy it! Jealous of anyone with cooking talents!

  16. Sunday evening meals are a must in our household and we all try our hand in the kitchen - there's something that brings a family together when the members are covered with flour (even teenage boys get into the act!) Will definitely be adding Katie book to my collection!

  17. I love to cook! I must pick up her book...looks fab! Thanks for the recommendation.

  18. I did a post on her cookbook too! Love her easy, delicious comfort food. xx, Kate

  19. I love cooking but I have so little time (3 kids, you know how it is). Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog, hope you'll book one of the diva tours; they must be such fun & Good shopping too ! Have fun in Paris, it was so nice meeting you (and your blog )!
    Ciao, Rosanna.

  20. I come from an Italian and Argentine family, where cooking was the time for family to make memories together. Thanks for recommending this book. I'll check it out on my next trip to the bookstore.

  21. This sounds like a must-have cook book and would like to buy a few to share with my children. I did always cook @ home and knew from my mother and father that cooking does create good memories for your family. I'm proud to say that all 4 of my children love to cook now that they are adults. I must of done something right? Thanks for the great intro to Katie's book.

  22. I love cooking - be it traditional family recipes or experimenting with something new. I will def. check out her cookbook. Thank you!

  23. I love to cook. My husband has to watch his blood sugar so for about four years now I have been cooking low carb.It has been a little bit of a challenge but I make it fun to take my old recipes and make them new low carb ones.

  24. I love cooking and think Katie Lee is adorable! Her recipes look wonderful and are not too complicated. Definitely need to get this book!

  25. That is a subject that gives me a lot of
    pleasure. Now I am alone I still cook and bake. It gives me something nice to bring to friends like cakes,candy,cookies. Looks like I will
    have to check Kathy out.
    Thanks for the tip.


  26. Good for you, cooking up a storm! I actually don't enjoy cooking all that much, luckily my husband does! Janell

  27. I love to cook because I love to eat. I think they kind of go hand in hand. Cooking and baking to me are kind of magical. You put a whole lotta stuff together, and voila, you make something awesome. It's so much fun.
    My mom isn't a cook, but hubby's mom is, and yes, there are a lot of traditions associated with certain foods. I think its great :)
    *kisses* HH

  28. I have to be in the mood to really enjoy it, but I do love good food. I cook almost every night also, always have and probably always will. I have more fun setting a pretty table,hehe,Kathysue


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