Friday, April 22, 2011

April in Paris: Part 2

Today's post is about how we made tracks exploring the City of Lights on day two of our visit. In January I did a post asking for your Paris recommendations, we heeded your advice and you did not disappoint!

Marianne of Style for Living commented that the 7th arrondissement was her favorite, we too loved the neighborhood! As we finished our stroll along the Rue de l'Universite we were greeted by the Eiffel Tower.
A special lunch was had in the Eiffel Tower at famed chef, Alain Ducasse's Le Jules Verne. No waiting in lines, a private elevator midway up the Tower, great views of the city, a remarkable meal and a memorable lunch experience was had!
The dishes were works of art and did not disappoint the palette.
I'd rather be shopping commented that she/her husband walked from 9am to 7pm daily, and after our lunch I was glad that it was turning out to be our game plan too! After stepping out of the private elevator I had to stand still, look up and marvel at the inside of the Eiffel's such an enormous structure!   
 We walked across the Seine and got one last view of the Eiffel Tower...isn't if fabulous?
Needing to walk off lunch, we started our stroll down the Champs Elysees, made our way through the lovely Jardin Des Tuileries and into the Louvre. Elizabeththe Diane James ladies and Frances all suggested that they were three musts, and they were!

Some of my Louvre favorites included finally getting to see the Mona Lisa!
La Venus de Milo
Giovanni Paolo Pannini's 1759 creation, Galerie de vues de la Rome Moderne had me in awe. This creation was art within art...look at the painting and then the close up...beyond amazing detail. I was floored.  
We wrapped our day of sightseeing up with a visit to Notre Dame. It was at this point that I  realized I would continually be in awe over the sights in Paris.  
After a day of observing details, I concluded it is the little details that add up to something grand. When designing spaces do you pay attention to little details? The trim cord on a pillow? The wallpapered closet? The monogram on a towel?  

Knowing that we'd be spending our evening eating our way through the St. Germain district we decided to go running along the made working out fun! 5th and State commented that St. Germain was her favorite district and after spending everyday there, we decided it was ours too!

Pretty Pink Tulips, The Buzz/Diane James and The Zhush gave me a Streetwise Paris map which allowed us to navigate the streets with ease! Are you familiar with these maps? I have them for several locations and just think that they are the best! 

I have one final post on Paris that I'll share next week. Have a great weekend!


  1. Wow, you are such a good girl to go running while in Paris, I don't know if I would have it in me (plus my belly would be totally stuffed and uncomfortable... cause that's what I do when I'm on vacation LOL). Beautiful photos. Loved the meal you had at the Eiffel Tower. Its a spectacular place.
    *kisses* HH

  2. Isn't Paris the best?! Glad you had a wonderful trip! Happy Easter! xx

  3. Wonderful!! Glad you are having such a fabulous time. And, on another note, are you attending Blogfest? I would to meet you if you'll be there! Janell

  4. Great post; I'm bookmarking it for a future trip!

  5. I think I saw my old Paris apartment from the view you had from Jules Verne! Seriously, I was steps away from this beautiful piece of architecture and never ceased to marvel at its design every time I left my front door. Your photos are just fabulous!

  6. Those dishes look delicious. A lovely meal in a lovely city... It simply doesn't get more perfect than that.

  7. Am so happy that you did the lunch at Jules Verne!!! I can see from your pictures that it truly was "picture perfect" weather!!! Love the shot of you with the Eiffel Tower in the background!

    There is just so much to love about Paris and you really captured it. Can't wait to chat in person about all the other little details you observed!

    So happy the map was helpful, too!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  8. Oh Lisa I had no idea you were in Paris in Springtime! How fabulous! We were there at the same time a decade ago and it was amazing!
    Loved hearing about your perfect Parisienne day.
    You looked picture perfect with the Eiffel Tower in the background :)
    Welcome home!!!

  9. Indulgant lunches are a must in Paris. So jealous you went to Jules Verne! Can't wait to hear about the end of your trip.

  10. Oh, I just love all of the details! There is so much to do and see in this magical city.

  11. Oh just gets better and I wish I was there right this very minute. Is there not a city more beautiful than Paris? Seriously....what a feast for every sense. I am soooo glad you enjoyed yourself and that you were blessed with wonderful weather and blue skies! I am glad you got to see all the treasures that the city has to offer..I have been four time and I am still discovering new things to see and do!

  12. I adore Paris!!!! I agree with all the fun details. I shouldn't mention this, but I had to leave the room where the Mona Lisa was, the stench of B O was unbelievable, too many people in a small ,hot space? I found out I was pregnant with baby # 5 when I arrived back in the states , explains my sensitive stomach, ha!
    Love the picture of the E. tower from underneath!

  13. Oh... Paris... I am in love. Love the photo of you w/ the Eiffel Tower in the background. So glad you had a great time and the weather looked fabulous! xo

  14. Thanks for the walk & day spent with you my friend in Paris! I feel I was there~ Are you "home" sick yet? Happy Easter to you too!!

  15. Looks like a beautiful, amazing trip! Walking everywhere is definitely the best way to see the sights and experience them close up! We went to Paris when my husband and I first got married. I have always been in love with Paris!! Such a magical place. So glad you had fun! :)

  16. Lisa so sorry to not comment until now! Such a dream trip are hitting all of the best spots.

    I love all of the images, yes the food itself are works of art! The Louvre I would spend hours and hours there!

    Art by Karena

    Send your friends to...Come and enter my very Fashionable Giveaway from the French Basketeer!

  17. Oh you make me want to go back to that most civilised of nations. Love it all.
    Best Carolyn

  18. Loved my vicarious visit to Paris with you. Lovely photographs - especially of the food!! What a beautiful city - can't wait for the next post.

  19. I just got back from Paris and it went by much too quickly. Lovely photos.

  20. PS I lost two lbs. from all the walking even with all the are running, too. You are running, too? Good for you!

  21. I actually have some friends who went to Paris a few times and have never been to the Louvre. I can't understand that. Isn't it an amazing place? Glad you are enjoying your days in Paris. What a fabulous place to be! Enjoy!

  22. i stayed in Paris YEARS ago - i think it's time i revisit!

  23. thanks so much for the link love! your photos are gorgeous and they bring back fond memories!! :)


  24. Reading your last two posts was like reliving our trip there last month. Doesn't it just make you want to move there? We also took a long weekend in Bordeaux and St. Emilion and highly recommend it for your next visit! xosk

  25. I recently went to Paris with my mother and daughter and fell in love with the city. I thought we had done it all and had no regrets, but just now saw your pictures from Le Jules Verne and I'm disappointed we missed it! Oh well - guess we'll have to go back! :-)

  26. I am loving all your pics of Paris. I've been in the spring and it has been wonderful. No waiting in long lines at the museums, easy to get a table at most restaurants and I've always lucked out with the weather and it looks like you did as well!

  27. I feel like I am there with you! And you look great and comfortable in that striped dress.

  28. It's amazing how the French protected their beloved steel structure well. A century's-worth of rust and mildew can weaken the integrity of structures. And not only did they put a touch of art in architecture, art can also be found in their cuisine. But I wonder why they serve their food in small servings. Anyway, when will you go back to Paris?


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