Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday Fun - the Royal Wedding

Fridays will now be about having a little fun! What better day to kick off my Friday Fun series than on the Friday of the royal wedding? 

Will you be watching history be made today? Will you hosting or attending a "royal wedding" soiree? 

I will be hostessing a Royal Wedding Celebration Playdate for my five year old princess and seven of her princess friends from 3:30 to 5pm! The table has been set for "wedding cake" and fresh fruit. 
Are you fascinated by fascinators and hats? I have long been a fan of wearing hats and fancy hair pieces! I wore this hat seven years ago to a friend's wedding, last summer to another wedding; as well as to Bunny Williams birthday celebration when I interned for her office.
2010 Newport, RI wedding I attended July 2010
Congratulations to the Prince and his Princess! Don't you think the new Duchess of Cambridge is the epitome is elegance and sophistication? Have a wonderful weekend! 


  1. Having shared the big event with you via iPhone this morning and I feel like we watched it together! Have fun with your darling princesses and a wonderful weekend.

  2. I loved every second that I've seen and can't wait for some quiet time later to watch what I missed.

    Cheers to your little princesses this afternoon! I'm sure it will be an afternoon they'll never forget!!!


  3. You look gorgeous and like you could have been in attendance at todays nuptials! Have fun with your own little royalty and the festivities! How how you throw so much fun and energy into your parties! How fun...enjoy!!

  4. You look beautiful and the hat and dress are gorgeous. What a fun idea to throw a royal wedding party!

  5. You look beautiful! And what a fun party idea! The new princess looked gorgeous in the dress today! What a perfectly elegant choice! :)

  6. I wish I could go to a princess playdate-- you are an amazing mom!

  7. OH Lisa, you are such a wonderful Mom!!! How fun and what a beauty you are. I think you would have fit right in at the royal festivities!!! xo Kathysue

  8. You wear hats so well... somehow, I can't pull them off. I think Kate Middleton is flawless and she looked amazing! xo

  9. Great photo beautiful! Love the little glimpse into your princess party...and I am officially obsessed with Will and Kate!

  10. You look stunning and what a fun idea! xx

  11. so lovely! have a great week!

  12. You look stunning in that picture!!! XoXo

  13. Ok, how cute is that party! Plus you ROCK that hat!


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