Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Fun

People always ask me what it is about the Hamptons that I love so much. It is simple...the natural beauty captivates me. The greenery, the ocean, the hundred year old farms that sit on the ocean blocks, the woods, the bay, the harbors...all of it I find appealing.

Here's are some aerial views of the Hamptons, with Sag Harbor in the foreground of the first image.
If you've been to the Hamptons, what is it about the locale that you love? If you haven't been, did you realize that it has so much green? Does nature inspire your design and decorating? Here's to a weekend full of happiness! 


  1. I haven't been to the Hamptons but have always wanted to. I didn't realize there was so much beautiful greenery. We owned a place in Muskoka, Canada, often known as Canada's Hamptons and loved all the greenery there as well. The Hamptons must be so pretty at this time of year. :)

  2. I have not been, but it is on my list of places to see and I think in the nexxt two years I will be making a visit there. It has appeal to me because it is by the ocean and the homes are so gorgeous and the actual town looks so quaint and charming. Of course my exposure has been via your blog and television. I always love when you share a little bit of your wonderful surroundings with us, Kathysue

  3. The beaches, the charming farm stands, long bike rides, the quaint towns that have not lost their appeal, the wonderful restaurants serving amazing foods, the people watching (I can admit it, it IS fun) there is lots to love, only thing I dont' love is the traffic (helloooo gridlock)!!

  4. u have no idea how green i am - i LOVE lush lands - and NO BUILD zones to stay free and wild - it's mystic there - so pretty!!!!

  5. I love it out there! Nature, the wide and open beaches and spaces, the Montauk lighthouse, gorgeous small towns with nice shops, including coffee/bakery places!

  6. My first trip to the Hamptons was 10 years ago Thanksgiving, when I was pregnant with Carter and about to move to North Carolina.

    I knew I would love it in the summer since I loved it in the middle of Fall.

    I think the Hamptons is a perfect retreat no matter the season. The beaches, the farm stands, the quaint towns, the hedges, the restaurants.....I could go on and on!

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend, friend!
    xoxo Eizabeth

  7. I have not been to the Hamptons, YET, however everyone I know who has adores the locale!

    Have a great weekend!

    Oh, I have a new Designer Pillows Giveaway I hope you will join!


    Art by Karena

  8. I grew up going to the Hamptons, as did my mom. SHe now lives there full time (free weekend house for us, yay!) and my kids are growing up knowing this beautiful place as well. I love the beaches, the air, the sound of the train, pizza from Sam's, sandwiches from Villa Italian Specialties, but if I had to pick one thing it would be the light. It's most special place i've ever been, and I love that there are other people out there who love it too :)


  9. I've never before seen aerial views of the Hamptons. It is really a beautiful place, I agree. I remember spending a beautiful fall weekend there and we stayed at the Baker House. I would love to go back now and visit some of the places I keep hearing about. I love all the farm stands.


  10. i have such a love for the hamptons... love it all... the air, the beach, gatherings with friends, surf lodge or navy beach at sunset, calypso and henry lehr, round swamp farm, eli's, tate's sag harbor movie theatre, ralph stores and yes... the green! ohhhh i wish i were there with you... have fun xx

  11. Amazing photos, love these! Many years ago we went in the fall and I loved it and once we went out there on the warmest President's day weekend ever, (before kids) and had the best traffic free experience ever!:)

  12. Great shots!! I haven't been to the Hamptons for many years as we are Nantucket people but clearly it holds a similar appeal!

  13. I hope someone else was taking those great shots while you were flying the plane! I always marvel at the farmland when we go "out East" and how green the Hamptons really are. Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  14. I was there at the Hamptons several years ago for a political campaign. What astonished me was the wealth, those people aren't just wealthy they are stunningly rich. the candidate owned a home but moved into a basement apartment during the summer so he could rent out his home. It was the only way he could pay the taxes.

    Turns out the rich people have been able to zone industry so home owners pick up the tab for civic expenses. The other amazing thing was the salaries for city employees. School teachers, firemen, policemen earned twice what corresponding municipalities pay in Washington DC. Again, the very rich need services and because the cost of housing is so extreme the salaries must be elevated or those services will not be available.

    The isolation of that area makes me wonder what goes on socially. Ann


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