Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hamptons Magazine

I'm not even sure where to begin, but between being a family gal, working, sitting on a board for political advocation for education, chairing a beautification (gardening) committee, being a Girl Scout troop leader, being a classroom parent, volunteering at an animal shelter and well, the list goes on and in the interim Hamptontoes has been a tad neglected the past several weeks.

Well, I've got my blogging groove back and I'm kicking it off with some exciting news! I am thrilled to share that this summer I will be writing a bi-weekly column for the online version of Hamptons Magazine.  My first contributing editoral is three tips about inspiration for your own garden.
Whether you are in the Hamptons or experiencing it from afar, Hamptons Magazine online will have you inspired and informed...add it to your daily reads!

Want to get in on the Hamptons Magazine action? This season there is an exciting photo sharing campaign  on their site where you can share your Hamptons happiness images with other Hamptons Magazine readers! Start's fun and great to see the Hamptons through other peoples eyes!     

Between my bi-weekly line-up of stories and my blog, I will be covering the Hamptons lifestyle all summer. What insider tidbits would you like to see or read about here? Here's to enjoying the warm weather!   


  1. Wow, you are one busy lady! Congrats on your bi-weekly column. This is so exciting. I will most definitely check it out online. xo

  2. That is so awesome! Congratulations and have a super day!

  3. Don't know how you can fit one more thing in, but this news is wonderful! Cannot wait to read and see what happens, I know your column will be great! Big congrats....

  4. Great tips in the article, I look forward to more!!

  5. Lisa! It is wonderful! Well done, you! This makes me really miss driving around the green green Hamptons with you--I am inspired to bring a bit of the Hamptons to my SoCal backyard--I was wondering what to do back there. . . I love you my friend! Congrats!

  6. girl i am so happy for u! - i can't wait to read ur articles!!!! - and keeping active keeps u young, at least that's what i tell myself - there's so much to live for then to stay cooped up in ur house - i LOVE ur so passionate and do so much - it speaks volumes of the type of person you are inside and out!

  7. awww i miss your posts! great news and congrats!

  8. Great news! Look forward to seeing it.

  9. Congratulations, Lisa on this new opportunity!! Hamptons Magazine is lucky to have you! And welcome back to blogging...we've missed you!!:)

    xoxo Elizabeth

  10. I was so excited to see your name in my inbox - what an exciting time for you and I look forward to reading!!

  11. Lisa,
    How exciting!! You will do a fabulous job of writing!! Glad to see you back on blogging board! Miss seeing you around blog land,
    xo Kathysue

  12. Congratulations! Great article.....I spent too many hours last weekend researching ornamental grass as we are doing some of our backyard ourselves and I am clueless! Glad to see you back here....let's chat soon.

  13. This looks wonderful! I'm so trying to find something that will inspire our shop…inspire me…inspire SOMEONE! So glad to have seen this post! If you have any advice or words of wisdom I would love them! I look forward to your posts! You are definitely super mom and managing everything the way it should be!

  14. so exciting... wow you have alot on your plate... but how fun will this be... congratulations! trying to get out there this summer... will surely let you know! we'll meet at the clam bar! xx

  15. Good morning and thank you for visiting my Roman Holiday post!

    I love your blog design and this world of interiors. Oh there is so much beauty to embrace in the arts!

    Have a super FRIDAY!!!!! Anita

  16. How exciting, Lisa! You will be a busy Hamptons gal this summer and we can't wait to read what you've been up to. Thanks for a lovely lunch - so great to see you! Happy weekend.

  17. Congratulations Lisa! I loved your first article & am looking forward to reading more of your fabulous tips! Xoxo Colleen

  18. Congratultions! I look forward to reading your articles. See you around the Hamptons!

  19. Congratulations! They are luck to have you, that's for sure.

  20. Congratulations...and seeing your Blogfest post I'm kicking myself for not making it out there this year!
    Enjoy the remaining bits of summer, Janell


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