Friday, April 23, 2010


A client and I have been working diligently on plans for a coffered ceiling in her family's dining room. She and her husband have a gorgeous home with great ceiling heights. We are going to play to that height by adding another dimension of interest to her dining space. The process begins this coming week. Whereas, I don't have high ceilings in my dining room so a coffered ceiling would not work well, but rather ornamental  trim on the ceiling would be a perfect option. We are going to start that process soon! With that said, for months I haven't been able to walk into a space and not take notice of the ceilings. Here are some ceilings that I love and photographed.
Grand Central Terminal in NYC.  
 Please Touch Museum in Philadelphia.    
Wanamaker Building in Philadelphia.
Union Club in NYC.
 Now, all of these ceilings are quite ornate. I've used them for inspiration, but neither my client's or mine will be so over the top. I will share with you once the projects are completed. Are you a fan of coffered ceilings or ornamental trim on a ceiling? Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. wait. what is the ceiling of the don't touch museum? are those lights behind something? it looks so ethereal!! I love that!

  2. Gorgeous ceiling images. I so agree with adding some ornamentation to a ceiling or even color . I did a post awhile ago on ceilings. I also have simple moldings on two of my ceilings and I show it is that post here:
    I call it the 5th wall. I think we forget about it sometimes. I can't wait to see what you wind up doing. I think it is the biggest bang for your buck, as the saying goes. In my living room I did molding and painted it a sage green, I love it. Great post!! Love your images, Happy Friday,Kathysue

  3. Beautiful images. My family room has coffered ceilings and I took the blue/gray color that is on the kitchen/sunroom walls (very open floorplan) and cut the formula in 1/2 and had the ceilings painted. It made such a big difference in the room. I am planning to do wallpaper on the ceiling in our new nursery. Cannot wait to see your projects as they evolve. Have a great weekend.

  4. These images are gorgeous Lisa.... I love ornamental ceilings and cornices. I think they complete an interior so beautifully. We have ceiling roses in our house. I have a beautiful image of an ornamental ceiling taken at Versailles and I framed it for art as it was so special. Beautiful post and have a wonderful week-end!

  5. P.S. can't wait to see your finished work of the coffered ceiling for your client!

  6. Hi Lisa, I got your question and you can find the umbrella post here
    You have a good memory. Pier I has a great embroidered umbrella that I loved also. Let me know if any of these sources work for you, good luck and thank you sooooo much for being so faithful about reading my blog and always leaving the nicest comments. I love blogland because of people like YOU!!

  7. Beautiful. I've seen more and more amazing ceilings of late. And not one like the other. Thanks for adding on my visual candy this evening, can't wait to see what you do.

  8. Yes I love ornate ceilings and I recently spotted one with paintings hung on the ceiling! I love looking up!

  9. I love ornamental ceilings. I don't have a house with high ceilings either, but we will start building our dream home next year and oh yes, that one will. Great inspiration, Lisa.

  10. I think that ornamental ceiling is so beautiful and can be faboulus. A lot of the apartments here in Oslo's west side do have ornamental ceilings since the buildings are from early 20th century. I love it when it's not to much and in white:) A beautiful centerpiece with a great chandelier must be faboulus;)

  11. I love ceilings! At a hotel in Paris they actually hung an large franed oil painting flush on the ceiling. It looked amazing!

  12. What a fantastic project!! Can't wait to see when it's all done :)


  13. Hello there! Well, welcome to Castles Crowns and Cottages! You know my sweet friend M.A. the 2nd! I am so impressed and truly inspired by you professional interior designers, and that you would visit us non-professional amateur designers. I so love ornate ceilings; a friend of mine just sold her dear cottage in Whittier, California to buy an even more elegant home, but her little cottage had the most enchanting ceiling in the front was a 1920s California bungalow with little lights embedded in the beams up above. We used to just love and sit there at night with the twinkle lights above our heads, like stars in the midnight sky. The architects and perhaps the economy of the past allowed for such frivolties, but oh, how enchanting. Thank you for such a delight!

    Please come again any time for a cup of tea or flute of pink champagne!


  14. These are all spectacular! Great inspiration. Can't wait to see what you come up with :)

  15. Gorgeous ceilings! Architectural elements like this make such a difference in a home! Beautiful!

  16. Love when the ceiling has some personality! Can't wait to see what you have done!

  17. I love those old ceilings! Funny; I too, take many photographs of ceilings in museums! I'm always mesmerized by them.


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