Monday, April 26, 2010

How sweet is this?

I can recall being to Pier 1 Imports twice in my life. However, after this find I may have to stop by a little more often! I spotted this adorable wood confectioners stand with confections on clearance for $11.18!!! I bought for my daughter and several for the gift closet (yes, I keep a selection of gifts on hand.) Tea and calorie free confections anyone?
Maybe you have a daughter, a little niece, a granddaughter, a close friend's little girl, your child's now for her birthday or special holiday. It's not about how much you spend, but rather about giving something that you know she'll love. Oh, I would give this gift assembled, wrapped in pink cellophane with a fabulous bow tied around the top. Hope your week is full of many sweet moments!


  1. How adorable! I might have to stop by Pier 1 myself to pick up one of those cute sets!

  2. That is adorable! My gift closet is completely depleted...eek! I need to stock up!

  3. That is so cute, I was thinking about Pier 1 the other day, they DO have some cute and inexpensive finds! Gift closet! Eeeek! I NEED to start one of those, I've always meant to, but haven't been able to get around to it. Hmmm, perhaps you have inspired me...

  4. Let them eat cake....I love it, and I am re-vamping my porch and need to make a trip to pier 1! I just picked up a sweet cream and sugar at Anthro on sale, low price, but long on style and thought!

  5. These are simply adorable. How much better can you get than a calorie free cake LOL.
    *kisses* HH

  6. So cute....perfect for a girly tea party!

  7. That is so adorable! I do the very same thing when I come across something as cute as that especially when the price is so good. I buy several and put them into the gift closet. I think I've saved lots of time energy and money doing this over the years and I usually have an amazing gift that is perfect for the recipient.
    Wishing you a lovely week ahead :)

  8. Aaaah! This is darling. Every little girl would love to pretend play with this. I know my kiddos love to play with pretend food. You should see some of the wonderful wooden sandwiches and pizzas they have made me. Too cute and a great gift for a little girl, thanks for sharing and have a great week!! Kathysue

  9. Really darling and an item you can use so much! Love the design.

    Art by Karena

  10. what an adorable find! my niece would love that!
    I just discovered your blog and love it! : )

  11. Yes,it is a cute find,pink is such a delicious color!
    Thanks for stopping at my blog and your sweet comment.

  12. That really is a great find, and at Pier 1, of all places!

    May you enjoy a splendid week!

  13. Lisa these are adorable... I bet Ella will love playing with these! What a great find!
    Hugs always

  14. Love these! So pretty and fun! I would have loved these when I was little. I loved play cakes!! I wish I had someone to buy these for~

  15. so cute. one of those moments when i wish i had a little girl!

  16. I usually don't go to pier1 either, but they have good finds sometimes!! This set is just too cute. My niece would Love it!!

    PS I tagged you in 6th pic :)


  17. How Sweet! Did you find these recently? I would love to get one.


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