Monday, February 21, 2011

Riding out winter in style!

This week I'm wrapping up winter (at least in my mind) and thirteen seasons of snowboarding with a very special sleigh ride drawn by Friesian horses. I was in awe with my visit to Friesians of Majesty located in Vermont...the storybook pastures, the perfect condition of the barns, the perfectly painted sleigh, faux fur blankets to warm riders, the horse hooks, the reigns hanging in such meticulous order, the gorgeous and gentle Friesians, the riding all seemed to be the perfect blend of form and function.  
The sleigh that waits for Friesians, a driver and riders!
The indoor riding ring. Friesians make for award winning dressage horses!
The wall was lined with these horse head hooks, providing function and beauty.
What a gorgeous, amazing and gentle creature! The lady who owns the barn said that Friesians are like giant lap dogs. I'll take her word for it!! 
Now, for the sleigh was magical!
The driver chanted and the Friesians were off took my breath away, it felt like I was living in a story book.
This path through the woods was traveled over one hundred years ago by horses and humans heading to Boston. The history of this place was truly interesting.
It seems that I am somehow influenced and inspired by design in all that I do. With that said, this wonderful experience got me thinking. Not only did the outing have immense beauty, but all of the "design touches" were practical and functional. When it comes to designing a space, do you believe that creating an environment that is "perfect" is one that is not only aesthetically appealing, but is practical and functional?


  1. Absolutely - form and function together are the perfect combination in every aesthetic venture!! I think that's one of the reasons people love equestrian chic - it actually had a function - think Hermes! This looks like a fabulous experience!!

  2. awe i SOOOOO want a sleigh ride! - can u believe it, i never made it to the slopes YET - with ALL this snow i never went boarding - AUGH

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  3. Must also be functional, as that is what makes living life with ease and lends to more beautiful moments :) XO

  4. Absolutely! When you live in a small space, it becomes really apparent that you cant just have a bunch of pretty stuff, first it starts to look like a lot of clutter, and second you don't have room for the things you actually need.
    I love the look of your adventure, what an amazing way to experience a winter wonderland!!!
    *kisses* HH

  5. I have been there! We had a ski place at Stratton during my childhood (though still skis for me). xx

  6. Oh how gorgeous, I wonder if those beautiful Fresians would mind if I moved it. Love the touch of pink in their emblem...what a wonderful experience. Go back and forth and form and function. Form driven but not comfortable chairs can sit in the corners ready for parties and I still love seeing them there...

  7. Beautiful post! How breathtaking is the scenery! For me, a perfect space has to be stylish and practical. I always go for style first, but function has to be a close second! :)

  8. What a beautiful way to enjoy winter!! My husband and I went on a sleigh ride in Austria on our honeymoon and it was a truly unforgettable experience...

  9. I'm so glad you tried this.....I just didn't get it done this winter. But, I will definitely use this company. The experience looks magical.

    And...I love the practical function of beautiful things. One without the other....not as powerful!

    xo elizabeth

  10. lovely photos...looks like fun!

    wholeheartedly agree -- beauty + functionality is totally essential for "perfect" design!


  11. Now that's riding in style - perhaps we have to reconsider our snowmobile tour and do something a little more enchanting!

  12. Visiting this place must be a fantastic experience! I would like to take a horse ride in the snow...:-) Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Wednesday, cheers: Evi

  13. I think that embracing winter in style makes one adore the joys of the season all the more! So, are you carving or shredding? I have yet to board...still skiing....! :)

  14. This post is like a fary tale! Loved the pictures! XoXo

  15. They are so beautiful, regal and handsome..what a lovely storybook charmed life they are lucky to live! Is there an extra stall available:) Absolutely beautiful to see something so pretty in the midst of a rather gloomy winter!

  16. What a wonderful post...Great photos. It's making me miss winter!

  17. Gorgeous photos-the setting, horses and snow make delectable images!

  18. I am glad you are making the most of winter. The daffodils are beginning to bloom here, but that doesn't mean it's springtime for certain.

  19. What a beautiful place to "wrap up winter". I am ready to do the same!
    I hope you are doing well!

  20. Wow, absolutely stunning! Something I would definitely like to do someday!


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