Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday Fun - South Africa

What is your dream travel destination? Have you gone? My dream travel destination was South Africa, and  still remains my favorite place ever visited. Here I posted about how one's sense of adventure can correlate to their sense of pushing boundaries/thinking out of a box/being bold in their interior design choices.
Sabi Sabi Earth Lodge is a study not only on indigenous animals, but in being environmentally aware of one's surroundings...being "green." The very long dirt road through the bush to arrive at our lodging, no paved roadways, instead respect for the environment.
Look how the accommodations are built into the side of the landscape.  
After walking around the small hill and seeing this, I immediately had respect for how Sabi Sabi seamlessly mixed the lodging with the environment.  
A fallen tree made into a headboard in the presidential suite. Fabulous! 
Look at how the counter and column are made out of fallen trees from the bush and the Sabie River.
Besides the grand size of the bathroom, I love how the large the window is above the tub.  
Here's to an evening sans electricity. Al fresco dining, candlelight and hoping a lion isn't on the other side of the hill!
It was amazing to visit Sabi Sabi, a place where nature has not been ruined by infrastructure and superstructure. In what ways are you "green" when designing/decorating your interior spaces? Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Lisa-seriously we are thinking alike today. This morning before heading out the door my husband asked me if I would be interested in going to SA in January. I was like Ahhh Yah of course. I have been to Kenya several times but I am dying to go to South Africa. And these photos are beautiful...I love the bed!

  2. Oh Lisa, that bathroom! But yes, I'd be terrified of eating al fresco with the possibility of a ferocious animal looking for food. It looks like quite an adventure. Great photography!

  3. Going on a safari is on my bucket list. I can't wait to experience a contintent, culture or wildlife I have only read about or seen on tv. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I am in love with that tree bed and that beautiful bath tub. My husbands mom is from Africa (she lived there when it was a British colony). She always said it was very beautiful. Warning though, it can also be very dangerous.
    *kisses* HH

  5. I'm in love with the fabulous decor but a tad afraid of the animals. Ha! I'm a bit tamer my dream destination would have lots of blue water and fabulous restaurants. Have a great weekend. Mona

  6. What an amazing place to have visited! South Africa is definitely on my list...I'm hoping we can take the boys where they are a bit older.

    Love the tree as headboard - and incorporating the hotel structures into the environment.

    Have a fabulous weekend, Lisa!!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  7. Hi so happy to see that you enjoyed my beautiful country. I visit the bush and game reserves a few times a year and never tire of the magic. It remains on my bucket list to visit as often as possible!!

    Cape Town

  8. This is my DREAM vacation. The hotel --- what a surprise.
    Loved it all. Showing the hubs so we can book the same things!

  9. south africa was not on my radar but you have me thinking.........

    my dream trip was realized a few years ago; the galapagos islands, animal magic. the safari looks like a perfect choice for any animal lover

    thanks lisa!

  10. Africa is still on my list of places to visit and would love to do the trip with the boys to teach them how important the animals and environment is to this world. Sabi Sabi looks heavenly!


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