Yesterday I made tracks in the city heading uptown, downtown, midtown, acrosstown...literally. One of my many stops was at M & J Trimming located on 1008 Sixth Avenue between 37th & 38th Street. I have loved this place for's 5000 sq ft of sheer bliss if you are looking for trim, appliques, cords, buttons, ribbons, etc. I usually get most of my trim for design projects from the Decoration and Design Building (commonly referred to as the D & D Bldg.) However, every once in a while I need to visit M & J Trimming, as was the case yesterday. I have bought miles of ribbons for my daughter at M & J. I've spent endless hours making a ton of hair accessories for her...all made out of love! So whether you're looking for the final touch of a design project, or to create a special hair bow or to add decorative appliques to a pillow...this is a fun spot to visit! Here's your tour...

I use all types of trim on design projects, whether it's a custom piece or whether I'm enhancing a retail purchase. And you?
Love this snakeskin trim...wouldn't that be fabulous around a pillow?
Appliques galore. I've made a ton of hair bows with appliques. How do you use appliques?
Ribbons, ribbons and more ribbons...
Ideas for making hair accessories...
Have you been to M & J Trimming? Do you have a place like this where you live? I will be embracing my daughter this weekend as she is dressed as a fairy for a very special event and I will toss caution to the wind to be one too (well, to at least wear some wings!) Have a wonderful weekend!