Monday, January 31, 2011

A giveaway & your tour of the NYIGF

I spent all day Saturday and Sunday at the New York International Gift Fair  which opened this weekend. Here's your tour...

There was quite a buzz over the Dunes and Duchess candlelabras, sconces and hurricanes. Here's the Dune with his gorgeous Duchess! Their newest colorway, coastguard orange, caught my attention, was ordered and will soon be sitting in my office in the form of a lamp! 
Mr. Brown, the little sibling to Julian Chichester, made a debute at the show. This furnishings line is considered to have English informality with a modern day touch. 
Julian Chichester never disappoints. There were loads of new pieces to the line-up. 
Tritter Feefer Home Collection was absolutely fantastic. Loved several of their American made pieces. Any of these side tables would be great in a living room or as a bedside table.
Sister Parish Design a line of accessories, wallcoverings and textiles just launched this weekend! I liked their dog collars and leashes. 
Bartlett Crater, the granddaughter of the late Sister Parish and Libby Cameron, a former protege, are the creators of the line and the authors of this book. They took the philosophies of Sister Parish along with some of the biggest interior design names and all weighed in on topics such as small spaces, the under-used dining room and anchoring a room. 

I'm giving away one autographed book to one lucky reader!  Become a follower and leave a comment, also feel free to tweet about this giveaway!  I will annouce the winner this Wednesday!    
What pieces speak to you? Enjoy your week! 


Kathysue said...

Lisa, oh how fun to see all of this through your eyes. I loved the silohuette wallpaper and that darling chair. great giveaway!!! I am a follower and you know how much I love my visits here. I saw the sweet comment you left on Terri's blog about my house tour. I too hope we can meet some day, Oh how fun that would be, Have a great week, sweetie, xo Kathysue

The enchanted home said...

Lisa.......looks like a great time! I especially love the tables from Tritter Feefer, they are great looking! Also like the lineup from Julian Chichester.....heading there today and looking forward. Great post as always....enjoy your day and hope your feet get to relax!

quintessence said...

Love everything you showed. And LOVE your soon to be lamp from Stacy! Was supposed to go this weekend but since hubby decided to head north to ski I had childcare duties. I'm hoping to get in this week!!

Natalie {Designer Bags and Dirty Diapers} said...

That fair looks fabulous! So many inspiring pieces! I am loving those brown and pink pillows. I am dying to find some pink accnts for house! Great giveaway, I love all design books!

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway... of course, I follow! Looks like a wonderful time! xo

Kelly Frances Dunn said...

Oh I am loving that clover mirror from Mr. Brown and those side tables! I would love a couple of them :) Follower always XOXO

Kerry Steele- Design du Monde said...

I love those candelabras too! I looked and just can't pick my favorite color. Maybe white.

Amber B (Simple Dwellings) said...

Wow- I love those orange candleabras! Please show us a pic of your office space after the lamp arrives! And I love the gray wingback settee! Looks like so much fun!

Party Resources said...

What a great tour! And you know I follow your blog! xx

Anonymous said...

Oh, I didn't realize you were on twitter! Going to follow you :)
Great pictures, an event like this must give you lots of ideas and inspiration.
*kisses* HH

Unknown said...

I am so excited for the Sister Parish new accessories... I want everything and I am definitely getting the dog collar and leash! I would love to win that book :)

Stitchfork said...

Do I have to choose? Or can I take one of each?!
xo Cathy

Unknown said...

you have the best eye - that Dunes and Duchess lamp is going to look so chic in your office!

Thank you again for showing me the ropes of the was an amazing experience to see it with you as my guide!

xoxo Elizabeth

Jessica said...

I love the Tritter Feefer side tables! Need them!
Jess -

Marianne said...

Love your tour! Can't wait to see the lamp. Of course, the color is perfect! You know I'm a follower!

The Flooring Wholesale Lady said...

How cool, thanks for sharing these pics. My fave were the pieces by Tritter Feefer Home Collection.

Lili said...

oh wow ~ such gorgeous pieces! and of course, im a follower....will tweet about this giveaway too :))

The Buzz Blog said...

Since I was stuck in a booth most of the time, it's wonderful to get a tour of all the beautiful things you saw... and to win the book would make my day!

Unknown said...

Lisa, Dying over your picks and pics! See I missed some fab stuff in my tired stupor! What I didn't miss was the Sister Parish booth, a stand out fave...dying over the giveaway! :)

Susie @ Maddie G Designs said...

Wow, love the Tritter Feefer side tables....esp. that last one. Would love that book too...what a great giveaway!

Yvonne Blacker said...

It was nice meeting you while we were visiting the Duchess at the show on Saturday, Lisa! I love all the pics you have posted. I put a link to your blog with my recap yesterday of the show. I am a follower : )

Martini said...

The bedside tables are wonderful. I've been looking for just the right pair, and these might be it.

Colleen Carney said...

What a perfectly edited selection, such a visual treat! Would expect nothing less from you, natch ;) XOXO Colleen

Karena said...

Lisa how great I would just love the book you are giving away.

The Dune and Duchess pieces are amazing!

Be sure to enter my amazing Giveaway from Splenderosa!

Art by Karena

Duchy said...

We love that you love the orange candelabra! It is going to make the most gorgeous lamp for your office. Thank you so much for stopping by the Dunes and Duchess booth, including us on your gorgeous blog, and supporting our little Made in the USA company! xosk

pve design said...

I would love that Chichester gray love-seat....or a pair of nightstands...
and I have that book already - so please no need to include me in such a lovely give-away. It is a great book.